Return Policy

If due to inadvertence a wrong Product/size is shipped. You can return back the same product by whichever courier service you want or get it exchanged at our Stores.

The mistake must be verifiable and Substantiated by the Customer with reasons.This will not entitle you to cancellation of the Order and in the event you choose another product the amount paid shall be adjusted towards the cost of the other product.


If the product is defective and the defect is verifiable you will receive a full substitution with a new product (your choice) of equivalent value or price. In case you wish to exchange a product and return the product without its original packaging or with damaged packaging then you shall be charged with a fee for such missing or damaged packaging. The said fee shall be based on the product sought to be exchanged and the fee shall be communicated to you by Kalyani Garments at the time the exchange is sought by you. Only after the afore mentioned fee is paid shall the product sought in exchange be shipped to you.

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